another fallout from the colorado's recent snowstorm is that 340,000 cows and steer are at risk of dying. many of the breeding cows and feed lot cattle are stranded in snow, and are risk at suffocation. many more at risk of starvation without access to food.
faced with this plight, colorado governor bill owens has asked various animal rights group including peta to give a lending hand, but got a cold response.
here's peta's responce.
The dustup started when KRFX morning hosts Rick Lewis and Michael Floorwax (yes, that's his real name) called PETA to ask if the group would help feed and rescue the snowbound herds. PETA spokeswoman Reannon Peterson took the call, and bluntly replied: "You're going to save them, and then in six months they're going to be killed and end up on someone's plate. So I don't know that it's really the most noble cause." .
Peterson added that wild animals caught in the blizzard's wake -- the same animals PETA routinely criticizes hunters for bagging -- also weren't worth spending PETA's money to save. "It's an act of God," she said. "There's really nothing to be done" .
to this, here's govenor bill owens' response
Enter Governor Owens. In addition to labeling PETA "losers" and "frauds," he expressed amazement that "PETA doesn't want us to feed freezing cattle" and stated that "it's symbolic of what PETA stands for" . Finally, Owens declared that PETA is "a strange group of people. Don't send money to PETA" . Asked a few hours later by KRFX sister-station KOA-AM to reiterate his position on PETA, he put it plainly: "What a bunch of losers. Don't give your money to PETA."
funny stuff. i wonder why peta would not want to help these animals. just because they are bound to be slaughtered for meat in a couple years? that logic seems to go against the spirit of animal rights. that's like doctors stopping treating cancer patients just because they are doomed to death in a couple years.
if peta believes letting the animal die is in line with their philosophy, you should seriously consider stop supporting such organizations that touts protection of animal rights.
as all the corruption in the katrina hurricane charities and this incident shows, you need to be extra careful where you send your charitable donations before this upcoming tax season.
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