economy is at near full employment now. but in case anybody is levered too heavily into real estate or got burned in the market lately, here is a sample of high paying jobs that do not require a college degree taken from this link.
Air Traffic Controller – Average Yearly Salary: $100,000+
Nuclear Power Plant Operator – Average Hourly Pay Rate: $31+
Telecommunications Equipment Installers – Average Hourly Pay Rate: $22+
Computer Software Engineer – Average Yearly Salary: $52,000+
Computer Programmer – Average Yearly Salary: $55,000+
Gaming Managers – Average Hourly Pay Rate: $36+
Immigrations and Customs – Average Yearly Salary: $59,000+
Firefighting Supervisor – Average Yearly Salary: $60,000+
Real Estate Broker – Average Yearly Salary: $76,000+
Ship Engineer – Average Yearly Salary: $57,000+
Elevator Repair – Average Yearly Salary: $58,000+
Power Distributor – Average Yearly Salary: $59,000+
another option is to start a internet business that require little effort.
examples of this taken from '10 Totally Stupid Online Business Ideas That Made Someone Rich'
Million Dollar Homepage.com
or, the ultimate option is to become the chief economist for the national association of realtors. i'm not sure how much he makes, but i'm sure he is well compensated. besides, there are not many occupations that will allow you be wrong more often that your weatherman.
the jpeg, taken from minyanville, is his recent track record.